The Story of Ferdinand the Bull

The Story of Ferdinand the Bull by Munro Leaf is a 3.7 on the Accelerated Reading leveling system. This story is about a bull that just wants to relax in the sun and smell the flowers. His family and friends are all aggressive and look forward to the bull fights. One day when Ferdinand is big, he is chased by a bee. It just so happens that this is the same day men come out to find the best fighting bull. Ferdinand accidentally shows off all of his strength, and the men think Ferdinand is the best bull. They take him off to fight, but he just stares at the ladies flowers until the men are forced to take him back to the farm. This is a great book for a diversity unit. It is an example of how students do not have to be like everyone else, they just have to be themselves. This story could also be used for the first day of school to proactively stop bullying due to differences.