Make Way for Ducklings

Make Way for Ducklings by Robert McCloskey is a 4.1 on the Accelerated Reading leveling system. The story is a fictitious book about a pair of ducks that live in a pond. When it comes time for their eggs to hatch, they realize that they must move because their pond has too many people and is too dangerous. In their search they are helped by a kind policeman when crossing the street. In the end they find the perfect pond to raise their babies. This could be used for two very different topics. It could be used when a new student joins the class as a read aloud. It could help the new student feel more comfortable. As a teacher, stress that moving is not a bad thing, and a silver lining can always be found. This story could also be used around Earth Day to teach the importance of animals and the environment. Teach the students that just as the policeman, we have to take care of animals and there are many ways to do that.